Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Em Are Why?

Checked in for my MRI, ready for my afternoon loud nap. Finally starting to feel a little freaked out, wonky and anxious. Time for a little chat with god.

"Please let everything be ok. If something bad needs to happen, if the tumor has begun to grow, please let me be eligible for a new trial that studies the effects of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and cherry Icees on recurring GBM. Oh, and can you make sure the trial is in Hawaii?"


Dedi said...

Yay!!! Another clean one!!!!

Deborah said...

It's true, no re-growth or change of any kind! But I know that candy & french fries trial study will be available one day when I need it. Or maybe the cheez-it's + Law & Order trial study...