Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Where, oh where has my extra super fantastic blogger gone?

I've gone to wonderful and amazing places! Like Giant's Causeway:

And Glenveagh Castle and Gardens:

And the Waterford Crystal Factory Tour:

And the Old Midleton Whiskey Distillery:

And the Blarney Stone!

Did you know that in order to kiss the Blarney Stone you have to hang backwards over the edge of a very tall castle while an old, whistling Irish man grasps your midsection? Because you do.

My mom has been visiting from California this week, and she brought the sunny skies with her. We've been touring Ireland in our trusty rental car and having a brilliant time (as they say here). The days have simply flown by, and, sadly, Mom goes home tomorrow. But she definitely got her fill of sheep, scones and thick Irish brogues. Come back any time, Mom!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Don't You Forget About Me

Boy, have I ever been MIA. Incommunicado. Fallen off the face of the earth. And what's worse, I've left that clip from the Sarah Silverman Program as my last post for people to see when they check in on the blog. Not my finest bit of blogging. Oh well.

I've been in San Francisco since Friday (technically, Foster City and Palo Alto), and the weather alone has made me consider skipping out on my flight back to Dublin on Sunday. 70's and 80's, clear blue skies--flip flop weather. It's been great being back in the office this week, actually seeing and talking to people during the day. It's a big change from my life as a Dublin hermit, and a very healthy addition to my daily routine. As much as I'll miss Ireland and Europe, I'm looking forward to coming back to a place where I can interact with friends and family on a level other than email and long-distance, time-zone impaired phone calls.

Lots of extra super fantastic things have happened since I got here. Beli Deli sandwiches. An A+ grade on my checkup at the dentist. More Nanna belly than you can shake a stick at. Alaskan King Crab legs. Pie day. Sharks hockey. Hugs from my local nearest and dearest. And even though my peeps in Oregon, Texas, Colorado and Minnesota aren't represented, I feel a little closer to them than normal.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

See what I mean?

This is what I was talking about in that last post when I said The Sarah Silverman Program was simultaneously funny and uncomfortable:

Ha ha! Ow!

Kinda Sorta Maybe A Little Bit Funny

Has anyone been watching the Sarah Silverman Program on Comedy Central? I downloaded the first episode with my dwindling store credit from Itunes a few days ago, and I honestly don't know what to think. I like Sarah Silverman, and I certainly tend to like underdog comics (think David Cross, H. Jon Benjamin, or Kids in the Hall). And don't get me wrong, I laughed, like, a lot. But I also felt sort of unsettled and confused. Of course, that's probably the point.

There are lots of ways to feel sort of unsettled and confused. Like this gem from a few years ago, now made readily available by You Tube:

Heck yeah! I think it was Dana who originally shared this with me, back when she was big into sending items for sale on Craig's List to her co-workers while using the email address of another co-worker as the sender's email address...hilarity ensued.

"Hey, Joe."
"Why did you send me this vase?"
"Seriously dude, why did you send me this vase?"


Monday, March 05, 2007

In Between Days

I had a lovely time in London with Maya and Vivi. We saw some sites, we at at Chili's, it was good. So now I'm back in Dublin, but, like 2 ships passing in the night, Max is in Israel for the week. Sigh. But as soon as he comes back, we leave for San Francisco--yay! I'm long overdue for a dog-and-cat-filled week, a Beli Deli sandwich, and some hugs from my Bay Area peeps.