(Repost from 8/8/14 which I somehow accidentally deleted. D'oh!)
Well, it's not so little. And it's more aquamarine than green. But it is a bag, and I love it! It came in my first Stitch Fix box, and it's my favorite item out of the five very reasonable fashion selections that Haley, my stylist for this box, chose for me. Mind you, the choices were based on a hastily completed online form about my likes and dislikes, fashion and design-wise. Which can be (and was) easily boiled down into three things:
1. jeans
2. t shirts
3. comfort
The Stitch Fix people took this to mean something like:
1. skinny jeans
2. sleeveless blouses
3. adventure
Surprisingly, I ended up keeping all five items in the box, including the skinny jeans (yikes!) and a few definitely-not-my-normal-style tops. Chances are, if I wear these clothes as one well put together outfit, I will end up looking somewhat like an adult. I suppose that was my goal, so this is good. Technically. But it's going to take more than a bright green bag to get me out of my comfort zone of $5 Old Navy t-shirts. Baby steps.
While I was posing in front of the mirror with my bold and daring new bag, the kiddo informed me of his opinion: "I like your oldbag better." Fine, I said. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, and I appreciate yours, six-year-old boy in army greensweats with a hole in the rear. "But I suppose you can use this one occasionally."
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