Thursday, April 28, 2005

The Great White North comes to Palo Alto

It's raining again, and the commute was hellish. But I had beautiful music to get me through it, so I don't feel the need to fill my blog with traffic and weather complaints. Consider yourselves lucky (she said to all 3 readers.).

If I were the kind of person who gave shout-outs, I would give one to I & J who have a special new friend in their lives. They are going to make terrific parents.

Later this afternoon, The Planning Shop is going to get a visit from one our favorite people: Wade Davies. Wade is the guy who prints our books. He doesn't print them personally, but he manages all the stuff between us sending him an electronic file and him sending us physical books. And he's plays hockey! And he's Canadian. One of the first interactions I ever had with Wade was back in 1999. It was the week before Thanksgiving, and a fax came in with a cartoon drawing a hitch-hiking turkey and an American flag. The caption read, "Don't let your turkey get away! Happy Thanksgiving!" it wasn't that it was specifically Canadian in origin, or even non-American, but something about it was so sincere and sweet. It was discovered years later that it had come from a book of fax templates specifically designed for Canadians to send to their American clients...I still have that fax.

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