Friday, April 08, 2005

Dusky Goodness

Avondschemering in Dutch.

Skymning in Swedish.

Crepuscolo in Italian.

Abenddämmerung in German.

Erev in Hebrew.

It's my favorite time of day, especially now that we've sprung forward and I can actually enjoy it.

This was the first time I had ever heard M. Ward. The song felt so much like dusk, just after the storm and before the next storm rolls in, perfectly twilight. Falling in love with music is such a hard thing to share, hard to properly explain.

New cameras! The medium format Holga and the less sophisticated Holga AFX, both birthday gifts from Max, just arrived. I can barely type, I'm shaking with excitement! I'm going to guess the learning curve will be, er, curvy, so it may take me a while to get some shots up here. But get them up here I will.

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