Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Drag Queens--They're Not Just For Birthdays Anymore

The other, erm, fun thing I did last weekend was hang out with my good ol' college pal, Liz. And what better way to catch up and reflect on the old days than to have dinner served by a bunch of gender illusionists? Don't answer that.

As with any drag show, the best parts are the costumes and the music. Sparkles, feathers, platform stillettos (muh?), fish nets, show tunes, Britney Spears, Janet Jackson, Nancy Sinatra... But even better at this show were the patrons. Mostly out-of-towners and people celebrating events for with transgendered drag shows are appropriate (again, muh?), the facial expressions were 100% priceless.

Much to my surprise and pleasure, the owner of the joint could be seen milling around and chatting up the regulars. Needless to say, I can't wait for Liz's next visit.

1 comment:

lizelliott said...

I'm pretty sure that red-haired hag in the background of the picture with the creepy owner was conspicuously absent the night we were there...cuz thats not really a face you would forget. Nope, it really isn't.