Wednesday, October 12, 2005

And boy are my arms tired!

Talk about an absence of blog! In my defense, I was at a conference in Las Vegas where they have lots of ways to take my money, but few ways to connect to the internet. The whole trip was great--as always, it's fantastic to meet face-to-face with people I usually only speak with via email and phone. Plus, the pilot on the flight out took a few minutes before take off for photo ops! What a great guy.

After booth setup, Rhonda and I took a nice side trip to the Hoover Dam. Of course, dam jokes ensued. ("Where's the dam parking?" "Where's the dam gift shop?" "I'm dam hungry." "What a great dam day!" and so forth.)

I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but somehow, I thought it would be bigger.

I'm back in the office for a few days, then I'm off to the Holy Land for a few weeks. Of course there will be blogging, albeit potentially infrequent. And I'm sure it will be 80% about how much I miss the dogs. The dam dogs.

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