Monday, May 23, 2005

If you know Scott, you know I'm right

My friend Scott is a freakin' genius. Check out the funnest science-slash-art project ever:

"You might've noticed that I've gotten a little picture heavy. I've developed a new way to get pictures from my phone to my blog and I'm not afraid to use it.

So here's the deal, I'm opening up my cell phone's email address. If you email me with the words 'where's scott?' I'll take a picture right then and there and post it on my blog.

Some disclaimers:
If I'm busy or in private, you may not get a response. Also, you may not want to send anything between business hours PDT, I don't think my work desk is that interesting. Although, if you do and I'm not busy or in a meeting, I'll do my best to photo something from an interesting perspective. And before you ask, don't worry, I have a very good spam filter in place. I might limit it to only people I have in my contacts if it gets out of hand, but I don't think I know enough people who read my blog to worry about it.

It's an experimental art project! Help make it a success. Science!"

Huzzah, Science! Huzzah, Scott!

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