Again, I will sing the praises of the nanny share. I was able to get the house cleaned up enough to day so that I could take pictures! They are plentiful, and they're here, but you have to promise to ignore any piles of clothes or yet-to-be unpacked boxes. Ahem.
It's reverse floor plan, so the two bedrooms (master and kids) are on the ground floor and the living room, bathroom, kitchen, dining room and office are upstairs. The whole thing is on a hill, so the backyard is accessed via the kitchen or dining room. There's no garage, and there are 56 steps from the driveway to front door. Can you say buns of steel?
I love this house. I need to say thank you to everyone who listened to me lament about where to live and whether or not to buy, and for all of the advice that you gave me--my family and friends rock.
Ah, my friend, if that were my house I would never leave home!
What a gorgeous house! Congratulations!
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