Wednesday, November 01, 2006


What a terrific Halloween! It all started on Sunday when I was walking home from the gym (yes, I gave up on running and switched over to the whole dry, indoor exercise thing.). Out of the corner of my eye, I notices a wall of posters advertising shows coming to the Dublin area. I rarely recognize the names of musicians and bands that play in Dublin, let alone see a name on a sign where my eyes pop out of my head. But Sunday proved to be what will hopefully be the first in a long string of musical surprises. There on one of the signs were 5 beautiful letters and 1 dazzling punctuation mark, announcing the glorious news that in just 2 short days, on Halloween night, M. Ward would be playing in Dublin! Huzzah!

It was a fantastic show and a great way to spend Halloween, even with the noticeable lack of candy.


Brian Luce said...

That sounds like an awesome Halloween. I did a lot for Halloween, like go to the Pirate of Emerson in fremont and watched scary movies, but on actual Halloween, nothing.

was the concert the coolest?

I hope you're doing well!

Deborah said...

The concert was absolutely the coolest! Neat venue, very cave-like.

I'm sure you dressed up for Halloween, though. What was your costume?