Monday, March 08, 2010


While I'm feeling all in all better than a month ago (bye bye, milk and cheese), I simply cannot shake this fatigue. I am, in fact, sleep blogging right now.

Just had a great video chat with my bro and the missus plus their little 12 day old bundle. She's so cute, I can even look past the fact that she cries whenever we're on video chat and that she has the funniest little crossed eyes you've ever seen. I can't wait to hold her, but she'll be way past the squishy stage by then, more in the sitting up phase. But that's also the giggling phase, so I guess Uncle Beardo and Auntie Doofus will be there as well.

I'm actually going into the office tomorrow, which is good for morale. It feels good to be in an old familiar place and eat old familiar sushi.

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