Thursday, September 27, 2007

Borrowed Post and My Growing Family

Well, stolen really.

Very funny, Clamhead.

Tonight: OUR LAST FREAKING PRENATAL CLASS, thank freaking god. I can't handle any more information or superlatives ("This is the most important child care tip you will ever learn." "Swaddling is the best way to calm a crying baby." "At least half an hour of skin-to-skin contact immediately after delivery is the only thing that will stop your baby from growing up to be the next Adolph Hitler.") Tonight's class is Breastfeeding Basics. Predictably, Max and I are more excited about the Dim Sum place next door to the education center than we are about the class itself. Mmmmmm, cha siu bao...

Important announcement! Trick has a little person to nibble on! Welcome to the family, my very first niece!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there is something to be said for doing the one day intensive prenatal class...although we were totally glazed over at the end! swaddling does help a ton... pick up one of these:

if you find baby Samson isn't the perfect angel we all know he'll turn out to be :) way better than swaddling with just a reg blanket. Crying babies normally are flailing babies, too and they wiggle out of blankets without velcro!